Users with a Workspace Admin role can add members to a workspace and manage them within a single admin center. This means that:
- Instead of multiple Sembly Agents that used to join meetings following their owners, only one workspace agent will join the meetings of all users in the workspace
All workspace members who received an invite to the call can access meetings in their Sembly accounts (unless restricted)
- Teams feature allows adding the appropriate team as a filter in any Workspace Automations to better route meeting data from Sembly to other tools
- Workspace Automations allows for tracking Tasks, reviewing Meeting Notes, or Transcription from each meeting of your Sembly workspace
- Users with the role "Member" do not have access to manage or view Workspace Automations and Analytics and manage Workspace Settings (Details, Teams, Members, Plans, Billing). They can only view the Workspace Details page
To add members to your workspace, you need to upgrade from Sembly Personal or Sembly Professional to one of the mentioned above. In the Sembly Team plan and Sembly Team Plus plan, you can invite up to 40 workspace members. Should you have a team of more than 40, take a look at Sembly Enterprise.
As you sign up to Sembly independently (without an invitation from a workspace admin), your account becomes a Workspace automatically! Your role will be set to Workspace Admin by default. |
Add New Members
You will be able to add new members and give them roles: workspace admins or regular members.
- Go to Workspace Settings
- Click Members
- Type in the email address to the Invite Members field
- Select the role you want for the user. Only Workspace Admins can add new members and edit roles
Click Send Invite
The invite receiver will be able to register a brand new Sembly account following the instructions in the e-mail and become a part of your workspace. A user who has already had a Sembly account will be able to join your workspace and become a part of your team in Sembly.
Note that an invitation link expires in 14 days.
Deactivate and Delete members
In the Members section, you can switch between tabs to see the lists of users who are Active, Invited, and Deactivated.
All active and deactivated members will be included in monthly invoices. To remove members from your invoice, you must delete them. |
- Active - members who accepted the invite and joined your workspace; admins can change roles here, deactivate members, and delete them
- Invited - pending invites, you can use the "resend the invite" button any time
Deactivated - users won't have access to their accounts. You can delete a user by clicking “more”
You can search, by name or email, for the preferred person from your workspace using the search bar.
When you start deleting a member, you will have an option to keep the meeting data from the user account. To keep the data, check "Transfer data and delete account," then fill in the email of the member who will receive the data. Make sure to enter an email of an existing Sembly account! Then, proceed with the deletion.
The meeting data will transition to a new account's home page; matching sessions will merge automatically.
Transition to a New Workspace
Users who already have accounts in Sembly can be invited to join your workspace. After the transaction, all account settings and recordings users used to have in the previous workspace or a personal account will remain the same. The billing responsibilities of a new member will fall under the new workspace administration.
Billing in the Workspace
- In the Workspace, Billing is centralized.
- Workspace Admins can add payment methods and manage invoices.
- Admins can switch between service plans for the whole Workspace.
- Regular workspace members can’t view the Billing section.
Meetings in the Workspace
Unlike individual Sembly plans where the meeting invitees have a Sembly agent each, users under a single Workspace are followed by a single agent linked to a Workspace.
For example, your workspace agent is called “Bobby.” Now, anywhere you invite Sembly, it will be joining, signed as “Bobby”
- Meeting inside the Team within one workspace in Sembly will have only one Sembly agent present.
- Workspace members who received an invite to a meeting will all have access to this meeting in Sembly.
- Sembly users from another workspace will have a personal agent on a call. Therefore, they will have their own recording and will not have access to your meeting in Sembly unless you share.
How many workspaces can I create?
By default, one single workspace will be created after the registration of each user. If registered users join another workspace, they automatically become a part of the new workspace.
How do I join a workspace that my team has already created?
If you want to join an already created workspace, you can request the Workspace Admin to invite you to the particular workspace.
Who can manage a workspace?
Workspace management includes billing, workspace details, members and teams management, and service plan selection. It's available for members with the role of a workspace admin.
Users with a regular member role won't be able to access the workspace settings.
Workspace admins can be stripped of management access by other admins.
Can I pass my workspace management abilities to another person?
If you are the Workspace Admin, you have the ability to provide your teammate with admin privileges. You can change your role to a Workspace Member if in the Sembly Workspace is assigned one more Admin.
Who will see meetings in my workspace?
Creating a team within a single workspace unlocks the possibility of having one Sembly agent in the meeting instead of multiple (who join with each attendee). Thus, after the call, all the attendees from a single workspace receive access to the same meeting. All will have editing abilities.
You can still share your meetings with anyone inside or outside your workspace. The user will receive an email invite from you. The meeting will show up in the Shared with me section in Sembly.
Or, give access to users outside Sembly by sharing guest access with them. They will see your meeting in a browser window.
Therefore: anyone who has access to the meeting will be able to view it, no matter the workspace belonging.
Can I invite someone to my workspace if they are already a part of another workspace?
Yes, you are able to invite a user to your Sembly workspace even if they are part of another workspace. Users can be a part of one workspace at a time.
Once relocated, users can share their recorded meetings within the single workspace. All settings in the relocated account remain the same. If relocated as workspace "admin," the user will get access to manage workspace members and some workspace settings. If relocated as a "regular" member, the user becomes restricted to the workspace settings.
If I invite another Sembly user to view a meeting in my workspace, will this user need to register in my workspace?
No, you are able to share meetings with anyone, and users don't need to be members in your workspace or have an account in Sembly. Check the article here to learn how to do this.
Why can't I see other users' meetings in my workspace?
We respect individuals' privacy concerns and believe that each user should control and provide access to the information they want to be shared. You will see the meetings that you were invited to or meetings that other users invited you to see. The owner can manage what meetings other users have access to. Check how to share the meetings with other users here.
Workspace Admin permissions don’t include access to other workspace members' meetings. If you want to have access, ask users who have access to the meeting to share it with you. Shared meetings will appear in the "Shared with Me" section.
What will happen with my meetings if I leave one workspace and join another one?
All completed meetings in your account will move with you to another workspace.
If you are invited to someone's workspace under another email, and you wish to relocate your meetings with you, go to your profile settings and change your old email to the one that's invited. Accept the invitation after the change has been made.
Can I join different workspaces with the same email at the same time?
Unfortunately, you can't use the same email in different workspaces. Your email can be used for one Sembly account only. Members can leave one workspace and join another one.
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